Vintage Trailer ID App 1.0 - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Vintage Trailer ID App?

The Vintage Trailer ID App 1.0 is a digital companion to "The Illustrated Field Guide to Vintage Trailers," which builds on the field guide's information and illustrations. The app allows you to filter, compare, and identify vintage trailers by decade, brand, length, body style, and exterior finish.


Is the app a replacement for the field guide?

No, Vintage Trailer ID App does not replace “The Illustrated Field Guide to Vintage Trailers.” The Vintage Trailer ID App does not have the manufacturer histories, spotting notes, and factoids that are in the field guide.


Where do I subscribe to the app?

We are no longer offering new subscriptions to The Vintage Trailer ID App.

The Vintage Trailer ID App will be deactivated on June 30, 2023.


How do I start using the app?

Find the app on the home page

You do not need to download the Vintage Trailer ID App. You can use the Vintage Trailer ID App on your iPhone, Android, or any web browser.


How do you access the app?

1. Log into your account. After you log in you should then be sent automatically to the Vintage Trailer ID App home page.

If that doesn't happen:

Go to the Home Page: Find the app on the home page

then scroll down to the VINTAGE TRAILER ID APP section. Click on either the trailer style you'd like to search or click on the SEARCH ALL TRAILERS HERE button under it.

Another option is to go to the ID APP in the home page menu and then click the SEARCH ALL TRAILERS HERE link.


What if I have questions or need help?

Please email:

We will get back to you promptly. The "Vintage Trailer ID App" is a work in progress.  We will keep adding features, making changes, and fixing bugs as we go.