We're going to Boot Camp!
Like most vintage trailer enthusiasts Paul Lacitinola's interest began humbly, with the purchase of 1962 DeVille for family outings. From there he's evolved into a collector, magazine publisher, rally organizer and creator of Vintage Trailer Boot Camp, an intensive 4-day learning experience focused on vintage trailer restoration.
Open to experienced and novice restorers alike, the weekend will be packed with industry leaders and experts sharing their knowledge of topics like electrical & plumbing, framing, wood refinishing, painting, design, fabrication, appraisal, crafts and much more. Presenters (to randomly name a few) include Steve Hingtgen of Vintage Trailer Supply, Justin Scribner of Flyte Camp, Dawn Farrier of The Creation Station Fabric & Quilt, Gary Warner of Vintage Trailer Rescue, Jim Polk of Polk and Associates, and Skot Randal mechanic extraordinaire.
For more detail check out the full Boot Camp Itinerary and List of Presenters.
Vintage Trailer Boot Camp typically sells out so make a point of registering for your spot ASAP. Restoring a vintage trailer is a fun, challenging and mysterious process so trust us (a couple of knuckleheads who went into our first restoration blindly) that Boot Camp will be an invaluable experience.
If all the above isn't enough to entice you (but really, it should be) we'll also mention that to kick off the event Bob and Carl will be presenting the comedy-of-errors that is their journey from vintage trailer newbies to authors of the "go-to guide" for vintage trailer enthusiasts. We all have to start somewhere right?
We hope to see you at Boot Camp!